The Sunrise Coffee

quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011


     This time of the year is not only about the great feasts delicately prepared by the majority of families. For some, a time to celebrate with people whom are not always together with; others use this period to spend their money in a posh way (on purpose, but I am not criticizing who goes to know another culture or spend some time abroad in a nice companionship); there are also people who prefer to renew their spirits, strength, because they argument: - I will start from scratched next year. I need to unwind.  
     Quite fair, don't you think? Sometimes, we may regret some of the decisions we made in the current year or the time was so short that we were not able to finish everything that was in the pipeline and we count the days to begin 'another life', 'another me' anxiously. Is it really possible? It is all about going on the same life with possibilities of changes. Do you have the eyes to see them? Have you ever taken the chance?
     Of course, one must be aware to realize when those come into someone's life. I tell this because I am the sort of person who lives in the past and the future in a very intensive way, although  it is not only strange to me, but a challenge to turn this upside down. The truth is I took the chance to do different things in my routine and my plan is to have a finger in many pies in 2012, being very successful in all of the 'pies'. Whether the pie is sweet, salty, bitter or sour, there is always learning, nevertheless I root for getting the sweet ones.    
     So, here is an invitation to live this very time of the year. Are you open about it? Actually, we should live more the present moment, because as I have read in a text: it is a present, a gift, so let's use it to plan our goals, to organize the main steps to clinch the deals, being on the ball that living is a fast process and the remote on rewind of life does not work.      
Good luck!

Vocabulary (expressions):
to start from stratched = "to begin from the beginning"
a finger in many pies = to be involved in various businesses
to be on the ball =  to be aware
to clinch the deals = to close deals

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