The Sunrise Coffee

domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012

The future of mankind

        A doctor and a beggar. Knowledge and wisdom: a nobel interchange of new perceptions. A fascinating story explaining how having the knowledge of theories is not enough to solve a human being’s life, if it were not for the devotion of one Medical student declares regarding the interests in solving the secret enigmas of mind.
       The characters of the plot are so intense in their emotions that they start taking part in our daily lives. Certainly, it is a masterpiece which lead us to an encouraging reflection concerning the future of each one of us. Marco Polo, Falcão e Ana: these are the characters who go through the rebuilding of their own beings, one teaching the other.  The conviction of those who learn along their way invite them to a journey of great teachings to all of us.

       I invite everybody to read this book that does belong to a special catalogue within Brazilian Literature. Take a break from the conventional and start your transformation through the author’s proposal, Augusto Cury, embracing concepts of philosophy, psychology, psychiatry into the approach of man in the 20th century.

        I took two quotes which state this proposal: “The wisdow of a human being is not defined by how much he knows, however it is related to how much of his consciousness is aware of his not knowing.” & “Most of those who have right address go through their existence without never striding their own avenues. They are outsiders of themselves. Thus, they can neither take the right routes nor get over their crazynesses”. Nice reading!